Pre-Toddler Program, a special program designed for young toddlers to provide more independence and liberty to explore the world around them. Let’s delve into this unique program, exploring its philosophy, its benefits, and how it aligns with the broader principles of Montessori.
During the first 3 years of age, a newborn brain grows at an amazing rate. During this period, the brain captures experiences more efficiently. Senses like hearing, vision and touch mature rapidly and become highly responsive to external inputs.
A child’s cognitive, social and emotional development is activated when they participate in a prepared and structured environment.
When a child enters LWM’s preschool program, his or her cognitive, social, and emotional development begins in a Montessori based playful environment. To embark on a delightful school journey of young toddlers, parents should understand the unique learning process this program offers.
Language development is supported through the use of expressive language, poems and storytelling.
Children learn gross and fine motor skills that help with strength and body coordination.
Cooperation and empathy are concepts that children learn through group activities and cooperative play.
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