Parent-Teacher Tips on Seasonal Allergies


As Earth moves around the Sun, mother nature embraces the changes and prepares her children and all forms of flora and fauna to thrive effectively. We, as an adult, prepare ourselves to fight with all kinds of seasonal allergies, Flu, Cold etc. But when it comes to our babies, we need to take extra precautions to help them in building their immune system so that they can fight for themselves. It’s not our or anyone’s fault that our kids frequently fall sick at a very early age, it’s the process of physical development of the human body which will grow to its full potential after a certain period of time. As parents, our responsibility is to nurture them and allow them to grow independently and lead a beautiful life.

Once we notice symptoms like fever, body aches, runny nose, sore throat etc. The very first thing we need to do is, get the children to their pediatricians. A thorough diagnosis should be done by the doctor. If it turns out to be a weather related issue which can be cured by some over-the-counter medications or home remedy, necessary care should be taken. But if prevalent infections like Flu, Covid, Pink-eye are detected which can be contagious then we need to take extra precautions and care as directed by the physician and help them to recover fast.

If it’s Flu or Covid or any kind of Bacterial/Viral infection, then as a Parent or Caregiver we need to follow some basic rules such as:

  • Take the prescribed medication

  • Avoid crowded places like Child-care centers, Schools, Malls, Group activities 

  • Regularly clean the high activity surfaces at home

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

  • The Child needs to be fever free for 24 hours before he/she can return to school/ Child-care center

Sometimes, children can not use appropriate words or expressions to tell us how they are feeling when they are down with a cold/Flu/virus. As a Parent or caregiver it is our responsibility to check on them and take necessary steps. It’s not an easy task for working parents to take the time off and stay home with their sick child or isolate them from the external world, but that is the time when they need extra care and extra bonding with their family members and loved ones. In those moments the glittering eyes and tiny hands need a little more warmth and comfort. In the broader perspective this will build them into a more caring and responsible individual towards their home and community.

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